It has only taken me 3 months but today I visited that most Swedish of institutions… IKEA*! So this one is like IKEA big time, a MASSIVE store over about 17 thousand levels**. Since I am now Volvo-less I had to catch the train out there, who ever heard of catching a train to IKEA?… Continue reading Cultural Learnings Of… Swedish IKEA!
Month: June 2007
Cultural Learnings Of… Working In Sweden
So whats it like working in Sweden? AWESOME, is the answer! A small photo gallery of my office I work for a consulting company in the city, meaning they hire us and then we get pimped out to our clients to do work for them. My company is great, they really look after you, as… Continue reading Cultural Learnings Of… Working In Sweden
Cultural Learnings Of… Midsummers
Check out the new photos from the weekend So, what is this midsummers holiday thing we dont have in Australia? See up here, the days get much looonger in the summer, not quite fully white but still quite nice even at middnight. That means also the days are much shorter in winter but never mind… Continue reading Cultural Learnings Of… Midsummers
Cultural Learnings Of… Estonian Gümnaasium Graduations
On friday, Sigrid and I went back to Nõo High School to see our mates, Jordan and Taavi graduate. High School graduation is a pretty big thing there, everyone is dressed up in their formal clothes and the ceremony goes for ages, every student gets a clap and the school hall is over flowing with… Continue reading Cultural Learnings Of… Estonian Gümnaasium Graduations
Cultural Learnings Of… The Systembolaget
Finally, ive worked up enough material for a blog! Time to celebrate with a drink! Oh wait, I cant go to the booze store today, its sunday.. which leads me to the topic of my discussion Thats right! The Systembolaget which literally translates to "The System Company" and its the only booze store in Sweden.… Continue reading Cultural Learnings Of… The Systembolaget
Cultural Learnings Of… Life In Sweden
So its now something like week 6 here in Sweden and its a rainy sunday morning so time to fill you in on whats been happening here. The more observant amongst you may have noticed I havnt blogged much of late, coming back to my idea that if you dont have anything interesting to blog… Continue reading Cultural Learnings Of… Life In Sweden
One More Time From Dancing Boris
Boris my old friend whom I never met, you are gold, gold gold gold. I cant help but think of all the questions Id ask him if he were still with us, Id grab two bottles of vodka, a freezer of good ice and record the whole thing. Heres an actual Boris quote when being… Continue reading One More Time From Dancing Boris
Cultural Learnings Of… Swedish Police
SWEDISH POLICE! Buggers! Where ice T when you need him man? Ok heres how the story begins.. I got my new bike yesterday and its FANTASTIC, super light, super smooth gears, feels great to ride. So I got up this morning and headed off into the glorious Stockholm sunshine, its fabulous, warm sunshine, getting out… Continue reading Cultural Learnings Of… Swedish Police
Scandinavian Nights
It has just gone middnight and I can still see light on the horizon, its amazing. At street level its dark but look up and its like sunset tried to finish but just couldn’t. Usually I come home tired as a very tired person and fall alseep but with the excitement of tomorrow im wide… Continue reading Scandinavian Nights