Cultural Learnings Of… Estonian Gümnaasium Graduations

On friday, Sigrid and I went back to Nõo High School to see our mates, Jordan and Taavi graduate. High School graduation is a pretty big thing there, everyone is dressed up in their formal clothes and the ceremony goes for ages, every student gets a clap and the school hall is over flowing with people, they even have it projected onto a big screen outside so everyone can see. I know back in Australia all we want to do is down the free champagne, get our certificate and get out of dodge as fast as possible.

It was absolutely great to be there for this afternoon. Nõo is about 20 km outside of Tartu in the kind of countryside and it was a gorgeous sunny day and everyone was so happy, Im pretty sure I was the only foreigner there and it was a top surprise for the guys when I showed up. Afterwards it was traditional estonian travel back to town.. hitchhiking.

Myself and Taavi out the front of Nõo Kool.

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By Louis Zezeran

Louis Zezeran is an Australian Stand Up comedian and comedy promoter based in Tallinn, Estonia. He was the co-founder of Comedy Estonia, Comedy Finland and Comedy Latvia. Louis writes, does gigs and performs at private events through the Baltics and Finland

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