Comedy Performed, Sailing Home

Tonight Im sitting on my home away from home or rather one of 4 rather similar looking homes away from home, the ferry from Helsinki back to Stockholm town. Its a gorgeous day out on the water, clear sky, calm water and lovely evening sunlight at 9pm. Dammit we earned this!

What a few weeks it has been, the Estonian comedy shows have been a huge success, bigger than we dared imagine. I hope you were all following along at where we were blogging and tweeting away all week and you can see the old tweets with our hashtag #tartucomedy

Dang it was crazy in Tartu, we would have been happy with 70 people coming through the door… however they kept coming.. and coming.. and coming… we had about 180 people each night in Vilde and it was wild, people brought in chairs from the deck and put them anywhere they could, the atmosphere was great as the crowd was really appreciative and so warm. I believe I speak for Joe Eagan as well when I saw we had our best 2 shows ever there.

Tallinn was a riot too, we took the show on the road and all the guys loaded up and headed for the national capital. We played in Drink Baar to another ultra cool crowd, this time about half Estonians half ex pats

After Tallinn our job was done. We have had a huge interest in the shows and in the coming months we have plans for another open mic in Tartu and another full show in Tallinn at Drink Bar. So many people came and spoke to us about how they have wanted to see Stand Up comedy in Estonia and they were really happy we performed. That right there was the shizzle. One person came up to me and said "I was impressed that you knew so much about Estonian culture". awwwww now THATS the shiz right there, I couldn’t ask for a better compliment.

We really owe a huge debt to the guys at Drink Baar for putting on our show and also the organizers of Student Days who banked on a few idiots coming across the water to tell jokes. We had a 20 minute afternoon performance in one of the Student Days festival tents and something like 120 packed in to see us make up dumb shit on the spot. That was rad and then they gave us booze afterward which made them like my best friend.

So 4 years after rolling into Tartu for the first time we came back and rocked the house. After the show there was only one thing left to do, take a photo to match the one from 4 years ago.

By Louis Zezeran

Louis Zezeran is an Australian Stand Up comedian and comedy promoter based in Tallinn, Estonia. He was the co-founder of Comedy Estonia, Comedy Finland and Comedy Latvia. Louis writes, does gigs and performs at private events through the Baltics and Finland

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