English Comedy In Finland May 19

yeeaargghhh next week I set sail for the far eastern country of Finland again for more comedy, this time I am hosting the Manala English Comedy Night in Helsinki. Manala is THE once a month place to see great English comedy in Finland and I am super proud to be asked to host. My buddy Alireza is coming with me from Sweden and we have Eric from Estonia/Texas coming over too including some of my favourite Finnish peeps, the ever young Phil Schwarzmann and the comedian I most look forward to seeing again, Ida Grönlund.

Wednesday, 19th of May at Manala in Helsinki. Watch out for June too as we have another Finnish / Estonian tour in the works. If my liver can take it.

By Louis Zezeran

Louis Zezeran is an Australian Stand Up comedian and comedy promoter based in Tallinn, Estonia. He was the co-founder of Comedy Estonia, Comedy Finland and Comedy Latvia. Louis writes, does gigs and performs at private events through the Baltics and Finland

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