Hmm what shall I do tomorrow? I dont know.. how about GO TO AMERICA? Fuck it, Ive got 3 weeks on my hands now and its time to not only get some sunshine but refill with some all american enthuasim at just about everything. Im serious, its cold and dark here and its getting to me, time for some fresh adventures and fresh ideas to reboot the mind and get me some more standup material.
Hells yeah! Caro, Ed, Vaughny and Jorge are on the West side right now so heres the plan
Tomorrow Im off, Stockholm to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to Atlanta.
Crash with Detes, have some brews
Next morning I am off to San Francisco. I arrive 90 minutes before the crew, just enough time to pick up an American accent and be the local.
Alcatraz tour, lattes, san fran stuff
Off to Seattle to see Boeings being made and drink more starbucks
Then DOWN TO VEGAS BABY! Suits on! We are all booked at the Pyramid Luxor. Hells yeah.
After this… I dunno. Back to LA? Ill have a good stay with Detes after this adventure. Will be good to see Atlanta and the great stuff hes doing.
I am travelling light, no 1000 pound laptop, just a cell phone with wifi. Ive got a light backpack, the suit, gold amex and a few changes of clothes. What more does a man need?
Blog updates as they come to hand. I am back in Stockholm Feb 5th. After that Ill be working on a new concept in comedy for this town, English stand up is growing and getting better.