I consider myself a fairly well heeled young man, I have my own place, it looks rather good, I eat decent food. I was feeling very proud that I just got a new ironing board and iron and I was doing an inaugural iron of my nice blue shirt when I smelt something a bit… Continue reading Shirt On Fire
Month: November 2010
Bike Hostage Situations
I got back from a week in Estonia and found my bike, which I had left chained to a pole, had been fucked with. Someone has screwed the lock somehow and it became impossible to get it open. Oh did I mention it’s -10 and 10 cm of snow outside too! So what can I… Continue reading Bike Hostage Situations
Eric and I Do Some Karaoke in Riga
Last weekend Eric and I went down to Riga and we did a little singin’
Find Me On Google
Google is an amazing tool, if you run a website, Google can tell you how people have found your website through searches. Below I have listed several of the exact search phrases which have listed my website in the last month. “putin komedy klub” (whoa, I wanna go there! all the way with the PKK!)… Continue reading Find Me On Google
Live at The Apollo, Helsinki
I was going through some old footage tonight and I found this gem. Phil and I performed as openers for Jason Rouse on his last tour and I think the beautiful Apollo Theatre made a great back drop. This video is also notable as I am wearing a different shirt.