Great Britian

Ah Great Britian, home to my Queen, fish and chips, over crowded trains, cadburys chocolate, sausage rolls and pies, many australians around… wait… yes its true the cultural histories of our two countries are so close, you cant go 10 metres in London without tripping over some other Aussie. Ive been in England for a… Continue reading Great Britian

You Keep Telling Me…

You all keep telling me Frenchies are rude but I am just not believing it! So i got back to the airport today… walked down the road and… the car was there! Also it hadnt been broken into! Great success! I am feeling a bit dodgy about the whole thing and while I was packing… Continue reading You Keep Telling Me…

Cycling Champagne

Latest Photos Are Here No, not cycling WITH Champagne, cycling IN Champagne! Lucy and I finished our weekend at Bernies and tracked inland to just outside Epernay, which is smack in the center of the Champagne region and let me tell you…. they know how to make a good drop there. The setting was perfect,… Continue reading Cycling Champagne