Its been a year since I visited Stockholm, in fact I havn’t returned since I packed up the Volvo, Alireza helped me put my bed on the roof and took the Volvo and myself to Finland. I got asked to put together a comedy show in Umeå again this year so I took Chezek and we jumped on a boat and came for a few days of shows.
Last night we did Maffia Comedy in Stockholm and it was a good night although I went on so late both myself and the crowd were wondering as to my purpose on the stage. After 2 hours of show what can I bring to them? Not as much a I hoped but I did learn that Swedish people dont understand that Finnish people have a self esteem problem. Its a small but important detail to me.
So im chilling in Stockholm today doing my work. I bought some jeans, two pair in fact, to replace the two pair I own which both have gaping holes in them. I say they are air conditioned for winter. Everyone else disagrees. Its nice to be back here for a few days. Back in my old home. Back amongst good food. Back in a place where I sort of don’t stand out. A place where people dress well. Is it weird that as soon as I got here I felt like I need a haircut shave and a manicure?
Tomorrow we are gigging in Uppsala and Friday the main one in Umeå. When I arranged the gig I forgot to tell the other comedians the show is outside at 18:00. A small but unimportant detail to me.