When I first visited Sweden in 2007 I was pretty critical of the state run alcohol store, Systembolaget: a) they don’t have great opening hours and b) its a government monopoly and i hate the man telling me what to do, however in the past 3 years some things have changed a) I learnt to plan my weekends better and b) I came to embrace socialism with my comrades here.
Also, when you think of booze and Sweden the first thought goes to Absolut Vodka and if you are forced to drink a Swedish beer it will be Spendrups or Norrlands Guld. No thank you.
In the last month Ive come to completely embrace the love of SystemBolaget due to one website Beer Sweden run by a passionate beer loving Swedish brewer. If you think Swedish beer is crap this guy will open your eyes, there is a strong microbrewery scene in this country and along with lots of great beers from around the world, The Systembolaget stocks them all.
This is the love I have come to feel for this socialist government run alcohol monopoly. They have the most fabulous range of beers from Sweden and around the world Ive ever seen, available in good stocks and at a decent price. With these things in mind, I don’t care what political system you force me to live under, as long as I am drinking a good brew.
For example, 16 new beers were available at the Systembolaget, so I went down to one of the larger stores near me and picked up a few
A nice set of different beers which cost me 169 SEK which comes to around 25 AUD or 17 EUR
So tonight its a night in and I’ll be sampling these bad boys and writing a few jokes. Good times ahead.
Also, I saw this perennial favorite at the store
hahahahaha. no.