rock and roll, I got my aussie friend Lucy in Amsterdam and we drove down to Brouges in Belgium… you know what they have in Belgium? Beer! and waawaaweewaa its good stuff, 9 percent beer is the norm and its tasty as. We stayed there for a night and we were having one of said… Continue reading Doing It Frenchie Style
Month: August 2008
From Tragedy to Triumph, Its Gold for Australia In The Cycling
What a week! After the loss of the first bike, I decided enough is enough, I am in friggin Holland, the land of the bike and theres got to be some good ones out there! I scoured the online ads here and at the end of one crazy day I ended up with not 1… Continue reading From Tragedy to Triumph, Its Gold for Australia In The Cycling
Cultural Learnings Of… Trilingual Words
As some of you might know, I have a t shirt which says "KAKMONSTER" on it. Now this is absolutely hi-larious because of its bilingual meaning 1) In Swedish it means Cookie Monster2) In English it err… mean… well say it to yourself and work it out The high of high brow humor right? I… Continue reading Cultural Learnings Of… Trilingual Words
Georgia and South Ossetia – One Year On
Given the events happening in the north of Georgia right now a lot of you are visiting my page from Google you can go straight to all the good articles about my visit there one year ago where Iiris and I met a bunch of American guys and we tried to get into South Ossetia… Continue reading Georgia and South Ossetia – One Year On
Cultural Learning Of… The Mean Streets Of Utrecht
In the never ending pursuit of authentic cultural experiences I have had the most dutch experience in Utrecht… I had my bike stolen last night. I was stupid, after everyones warnings I came home late last night and left the bike outside instead of bringing it in I locked it outside to the rail, I… Continue reading Cultural Learning Of… The Mean Streets Of Utrecht
Utrecht: Its Dutch for Awesome Student City
I am in Utrecht Nederland and its all happening here. Anna and I just camped for 3 nights in the De Hoge National Park here in Dutchieland. Once apparently, a long time ago, some mega right dude wanted a place to hunt for animals, however his wife wanted to make a museum… anyway so they… Continue reading Utrecht: Its Dutch for Awesome Student City
Hamburg, wherein one does not find hamburgers
Eurotrip 2008 is on the road and rocking in Hamburg, Ive been here for a day already and I really like the place, its just a cool german city. I hit the road south from stockholm down to Malmö where I had a couple of cool hitchikers along the way, I like to give people… Continue reading Hamburg, wherein one does not find hamburgers
Lost In The Baltics
Its been a while, I know. Its true I have been off with my one true love, the swedish one… thats right the Volvo! It is summertime here and after living in a country where we take hot sun for granted as always being there, Im starting to really appreciate summer days again. The last… Continue reading Lost In The Baltics