This is Henry Rollins and last night I saw him do a spoken word show here in Stockholm and he was FUCKEN AWESOME MAN.
So who is Rollins and why is this aging alternative icon one of my favourite people in the world? He’s 46, American and he used to be the lead singer of a punk group called Black Flag After they broke up he hit the road trying to get gigs and started to write down his experiences and also started to do these speaking shows in crappy little venues wherever he was to pay for the next meal. He talks about everything, his experiences in life which never end, music, politics, men trying to deal with the world, women trying to deal with the world, culture, you name it. He works like a madman, does about 250 shows a year inbetween running his own publishing house, and doing a weekly TV and radio show in the US.
He is amazing to watch on stage, he talked for 2 hours and 15 minutes STRAIGHT and then came back for an encore of 30 minutes, not even taking a sip of water in the middle. He travels, he meets people and listened to their stories and goes out and tries to educate himself in the world so he can have an opinion on things. Hes the best talker ive heard, Henry is everything I wish i could be in a communicator, funny, serious and speaks with unending intense energy. In a world where guys have some pretty messed up role models, hes someone men can look to for a few extra guiding words because at 46 he hasnt given up, hes still out there travelling the world, living life and hes as passionate and insane as ever and wants to tell the world.
Im well fired up from it. Get some go again!
ps. the first pic isnt mine, this blurred one is however. When will people learn that a flash doesnt work in a theatre? At times it seems like the audience is trying to launch some shock and awe onto his ass.